Applications Are Open for Contests of the UMNIK Program

Applications are open for participation in contests within the UMNIK program held by the Foundation on Innovations Facilitation:

“UMNIK – A Digital Breakthrough”

The contest is implemented jointly with the Autonomous Non-profit Organisation “Russia Is a Land of Opportunity”.

Applications can be submitted by one person from a team aged 18 to 30, who has not previously won the contests within the framework of the UMNIK program.

The winners will be awarded a grant of 500 thousand roubles for the implementation of their project.

The aim of the contest is to find, develop and support talented, promising specialists on the creation of products and services in the field of information technology, design, administration and management of digital projects, capable of working in a team.

In 2021, as part of the contest, 8 thematic hackathons (semi-finals) will be held:

1. Education. Personnel Development.

2. Smart Cities, Industry, Fuel and Energy Complex.

3. Medicine, Health Care, Science.

4. Creative Industries. Communications and Content.

5. Finance, Banking, Insurance.

6. Society. Quality of Life and Social Support.

7. Transport and Logistics.

8. Agriculture. Environmental Protection. Foodtech.


Registration of applications will continue on the platform of the contest till November 15, 2021.

Contact person on the contest: manager of the UMNIK program group for Digital Economy Vitaliy Kiselev, e-mail:  kiselev[at]fasie[dot]ru.

Hotline of the project: 8800-500-42-18

e-mail: info[at]leadersofdigital[dot]ru


“UMNIK- Russian Railways”

The aim of the selection round of UMNIK-Russian Railways is to support projects of young scientists high-in-demand with railway transport enterprises (in particular, JSC Russian Railways), as well as to encourage young scientists and specialists to create small innovative enterprises necessary for the commercialization of the results of these scientific developments.

The contest is open to individuals aged 18 to 30 inclusively, who are citizens of the Russian Federation who have not previously won the program at the time of filing an application.

The authors of the best projects will be awarded a grant of 500 thousand roubles for the implementation of their idea.


Registration of applications will continue till September 12, 2021.

Semi-finals will be held September 13, 2021 through September 26, 2021. The finals will be held September 30, 2021.

Addressed aplications can be registered and submitted in the UMNIK system .

Contact: Evgeniy Fisenko, tel. 84992606414, e-mail: fisenkoei.cir.rzd[at]gmail[dot]com



Within the framework of the UMNIK-Sber contest, projects are selected according to the following end-to-end digital technologies:

- Artificial Intelligence;

- Distributed Registry Systems;

- New Production Technologies;

- Components of Robotics and Sensorics;

- Internet of Things;

- Technologies of Virtual and Augmented Reality.


The contest is open to individuals aged 18 to 30 inclusively, who are citizens of the Russian Federation who have not previously won the UMNIK Program at the time of filing an application. Each project is submitted and presented by one individual, with whom the foundation concludes an agreement in case of winning the contest.

The authors of the best projects will be awarded a grant of 500 thousand roubles for the implementation of their idea.

To participate in the contest, you must fill out an addressed application in the UMNIK program.


Registration of applications will continue till October 1, 2021.

Semi-finals will be held October 4, 2021 through October 17, 2021. The finals will be held in November, 2021.

Contact: Nina Osipova, tel. +79035749929, e-mail: naosipova[at]sberbank[dot]ru


Contact on the UMNIK contest on behalf of SUSU:

- consulting on submitting applications: Daria Kremer (kremerdv[at]susu[dot]ru), Elena Bunova (bunovaev[at]susu[dot]ru);

- consulting on participation terms: the Service for Projects Attraction and Support at the Research and Innovation Services (unid[at]susu[dot]ru, 267-90-19, 272-30-22).

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