The team of the academic staff of South Ural State University won the 2019/2020 Vladimir Potanin Foundation grant for the Master’s programme teachers.
The academic staff members presented a project on the New Academic Course “Academic English” as a Tool for Creation and Development of the Oral and Written Scientific Communication Skills of Master’s Degree Students. The head of the project is Natalya Koshkarova, Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor of the Department of International Relations, Politology and Regional Studies. The team also includes Olga Solopova, Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor of the Department of Linguistics and Translation Studies and Evgeniya Khabirova, Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor of the Department of Modern Languages, Head of the Academic Writing Office.
The main purpose of the Academic English training course is generating and practice-refining of competencies and skills of written and oral speech in English on scientific topics, with consideration to lexical and stylistic norms of the English language and ethical requirements set forth by the academic and professional community, for solving problems in professional fields of activity of Master’s programme graduates. The planned results from the implementation of the proposed educational product conform with the targets of Program 5-100, which South Ural State University participates in.
Academic English is another step towards the integration of the university into the world educational space and an opportunity to become an exporter of educational services, provide Master’s programme graduates with the intellectual support in their effort to present professional and scientific developments to the world community.