According to the 2020 competitions results for the right to receive grants of the President of the Russian Federation on state support of young Russian scientists, i.e. candidates of sciences, doctors of sciences and major scientific schools of the Russian Federation, one of the winners was Aleksey Minbaleev, Doctor of Sciences (Jurisprudence), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of the Theory of Government and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law. He was the only scientist from his category to receive the grant and the only representative from SUSU.
The grant will be fulfilled within the framework of the priority of “Countermeasures against technogenic, biogenic, sociocultural threats, terrorism and ideological extremism, as well as cyberthreats and other sources of danger to society, economics and government” on the theme of “Development of a legal means system for providing cybersecurity in the Russian Federation”. The research studies are to be done as part of the collaboration of specialists in the field of information law and information security from South Ural State University (National Research University) and Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL). Such collaboration is a continuation of grant research studies in the field of information and digital law, conducted by SUSU academic staff together with the leading law universities and institutes from Russia and a number of other countries.
The main topic of the research studies is one of the most burning topics in the world. In Russia, the concept for both national and international strategic and industry-specific regulation in the field of providing cybersecurity is being actively developed. In this regard, the conducted research may become the basis for establishing approaches and areas of legal regulation of cybersecurity issues in Russia.
The results of the 2020 competitions for the right to receive grants of the President of the Russian Federation on state support of young Russian scientists, i.e. candidates of sciences, doctors of sciences and major scientific schools of the Russian Federation can be found at this link.