TOP 5 New Year Gifts According to SUSU Students

New Year is the most anticipated holiday all around Russia and in many other countries. By January 1st, it is customary to present gifts to our dear ones to make them happy. South Ural State University is also preparing for the most important holiday of the year. We asked the students of the Department of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations of the Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities to name the TOP 5 of the most anticipated presents for those who grind away at their studies.

“Tasty” Presents

Who would ever refuse to eat something tasty? This question is especially relevant for students, since there is no time to think about your nutrition during the exams. That is why a beautifully decorated box of chocolate or your favourite snacks will be just right. There is a big variety of such presents in shops nowadays. Just be sure to choose something that your close ones actually like, so they would understand that you approached the choice of a gift seriously and in accordance with their preferences.

Warm Clothes

What would warm you up in winter better than warm clothes? Find out, what type of clothes could cheer up your loved ones? Fancy woollen mittens or bright coloured socks, funny caps or fur headphones: these are not expensive and useful gifts for students of South Ural. Moreover, cosy and warm looks are this winter’s trend, and students always like to keep up with the latest trends in fashion. Also, such clothes can make traditional street winter photo shoots more exciting!


Gadgets are indispensable tools of every student, whether it is a mobile phone, tablet, e-reader, or camera. It is used in an everyday life of a student and makes the studying process much easier. Besides, many similar gadgets allow you to keep in touch with your family and be aware of the latest news. So, let the gift you chose be of great use to your loved one. For example, if this person wants to start jogging in a park, you can buy him/her sports headphones, and if s/he dreams of making videos, it is better to choose a portable camera.


Being a student means a time of growing up and a desire to explore the whole world. But not so many people have an opportunity to travel freely. If you know what city or country your dear one wants to visit, you could help him/her to make his/her dreams come true and present tickets.

All Tests to Be Passed Automatically

Is there a student, who does not wish all his/her tests to be passed so-to-say automatically and to obtain advanced standing? Winter exams demand a lot of energy even from those, who was preparing for classes and did not skive off; and also deprive you of the New Year’s mood. Surely, we all understand, that if you want to pass your tests automatically you need to study real hard.

Whatever gift you choose, please, make your close one feel that you took this matter seriously and really wanted to cheer him/her up. And if these options do not suit you, do not hesitate to ask directly what this person needs. Happy New Year!


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