The Governor of our region Alexey Texler held an extended session of the Coordination Council for ecological issues on November 22. The representatives of the SUSU Institute of Law took part in this event.
Environmental experts, manufactures and representatives of regional authorities considered the problem of ecological standard development for the region and discussed the project of technical requirements in details.
The representatives of the SUSU Institute of Law Valentina Kvanina, Professor, Head of the Department of Business, Competition and Ecological Law, Tamara Makarova, Professor, senior research fellow of the Department of Business, Competition and Ecological Law, and Svetlana Liholetova, Associate Professor of the Department of Business, Competition and Ecological Law actively participated in reviewing the technical requirements for the standard.
The Governor Alexey Texler put forward an initiative to set a regional ecological standard. A Coordination Council on Ecology was created for these purposes. Rashid Ismailov, Head of the Russian Ecological Society, became the head of the council constituted by environmental experts including world-known specialists, and representatives of big industrial companies and regional non-profit organisations. Elena Titova, Director of the Institute of Law, represents South Ural State University in the Coordination Council.
As explained by the Minister of Ecology of the Chelyabinsk Region Sergei Likhachev, in accordance to ecological standard there would be four major aspects: industrial ecology, human ecology, business ecology and environmental ecology.
Industrial ecology implies a reduction in the levels of impact on ecology from man-made sources. A new system of standardizing of permissible impact on the environment will help to achieve this result. It implies the abandoning of establishing individual permits for separate enterprises, and instead, setting the norms and plans for gradual reduction of pollution down to the levels corresponding to the world best green technologies, creation of an advanced waste recycling industry, and expansion in the use of renewable sources of energy.
Human ecology is a set of quality standards for air, water, soil and other environmental profiles complying with safe level of impact on human health.
Business ecology is understood as creation of an effective ecological sector in economy, and environmental ecology means conservation and protection of natural complexes and ecosystems, improvement of the system of specially protected natural sites, and development of ecotourism.
The regional ecological standard should come into force in the Chelyabinsk Region in June 2020. According to the experts, the creation of the ecological standard for the Chelyabinsk Region is aimed at developing regional standards in the field of protection of the environment and reducing the negative impact on it, as well as at rational use of natural resources.