RAEX (RAEX-Analitika) ranking agency has published an annual rating of the best 100 universities of Russia, in which South Ural State University has climbed 4 places up, as compared to the last year's results.
Universities were assessed by RAEX based on the analysis of statistical indicators and the results of online surveys held among students and graduates, representatives of the academic and scientific communities, as well as representatives of employing companies. The data of the surveys in the universities, scientometric indicators, and open sources' data were used as statistical information.
In 2019, the survey participants included 158 universities, among which SUSU took the 58th place.
Moreover, on June 5th of 2019, within the frameworks of the 7th annual Forum of Universities on Global Competitiveness, RAEX agency presented the results of the first complex rating of the best Russian universities in the field of information technologies, which is based on a wide range of statistical and reputational indicators, and which is fulfilled at the initiative and with support from Sibintek company.
"The relevance of the new ranking is explained by the fact that the IT sphere is a key one for development of the economics of a new technological field, the so called digital economy,"?comments Head of the Academic Rankings Promotion at the International Office Andrey Kocherov, who took part in this Forum.?"Digital industry is one of the crucial vectors of the SUSU's development, that's why our excellence in this sector is there for a reason. In the ranking of the leading universities in the IT field, South Ural State University not just took a respectable 28th place, but also managed to outrank a number leading Russian universities, including those participating in Program 5-100."
The results of the new RAEX ranking showed that quality training in the IT sphere is available in many regions of Russia: the advantage of Moscow is not that significant.?Among the fifty strongest universities with regard to Information Technologies sphere, those from 27 Russian cities were listed. In this ranking on preparedness to digital economy, SUSU was the only university from the Chelyabinsk Region.
Brief info:
RAEX complex ranking of Russian universities has been published annually since 2012. In 2016, this ranking successfully passed an international audit conducted by IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence. RAEX (RAEX-Analitika) agency earned a right to use the "IREG Approved" mark, which confirms that the methodology of the Russian universities ranking, the procedures of preparing it, and the presentation of results comply with the high standards of quality. The ranking method is discussed with the representatives of the leading Russian universities on a regular basis, for its further modification taking into account the voiced opinions.
You can find the ranking results here:?https://raex-a.ru/rankings/vuz/vuz_2019