Year after year, the number of international students at our university is growing. SUSU makes people from different countries, who speak different languages and have different cultures, become friends. The majority of international students have classes in Russian language; for them, it has become the language of friendship and a tool which helps acquiring professional knowledge.
Of course, those international students who want to become true professionals in their sphere aspire to master Russian as a foreign language at the highest level possible.
SUSU gives such an opportunity to its students. At SUSU’s Centre of Testing and Language Training, international students can attend courses of Russian as a foreign language, get ready for passing certification exams and get a prestigious international certificate.
“Today I got a certificate saying that I know Russian language at level B2. I am very happy! This was a difficult exam, and we worried a lot. But it turned out that our knowledge is decent enough! From the bottom of our hearts, we are grateful to our teachers! Experts from Pushkin State Russian Language Institute certified our good results, and this is a real accomplishment for us,” says student of Group LM-337 of the Institute of Linguistics and International Communication, Wu Fengyi.
“We congratulate our students who did well at such a difficult exam! Level B2 is a level which allows adequately comprehend scientific information during classes, take part in discussions in Russian, and write students’ first research papers. We invite all international students, who aspire to become true professionals, to complete intensive courses at the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language, and test their knowledge by passing the certification exam,” comments Head of the SUSU Center of Testing and Language Training, Elena Doronina.
Address of the Testing Centre: Chelyabinsk, 78-V Lenin prospect (Sigma academic building), office 303, tel. 8 (351) 272-31-31, e-mail: test-center[at]susu[dot]ru.