The Polytechnic Team Got Awarded with Two Sets of Bronze Medals

The ceremony of awarding the Polytechnic ice hockey team, which celebrates its 70th anniversary, took place at SUSU. The athletes became bronze medalists in two championships.

The team has been through a lot over the 70 years, but it has always been the leader in hockey of our region and even the country. This year, SUSU’s hockey team traditionally participated in the Championship of the Chelyabinsk region and took the honorable third place.

The Minister of Physical Education and Sport of the Chelyabinsk region Leonid Oder, World and European Champion and the Chairman of Ice Hockey Federation of the Chelyabinsk region Nikolay Makarov, and Executive Director of Ice Hockey Federation of the Chelyabinsk region Anatoly Kopylov awarded players and coaches of SUSU’s Polytechnic ice hockey club with medals for the third place in the ice hockey Championship of the Chelyabinsk region among men’s teams in season 2018/19.

Leonid Oder congratulated the athletes and wished them maintain the glorious traditions that have been forming during the seventy years:

“Achievements are good, traditions are great! I hope that these traditions will be maintained so that hockey at the university kept developing successfully.”

The legendary Nikolay Makarov offered hearty greetings on medals awarding to the Polytechnic:

“No matter that these medals are bronze… everybody once began with the ‘bronze’. This is honorable as well. I myself started playing on the court of the Institute of Engineering and Technology. I played in different age categories even when already being a profi. We used to hold traditional matches with Traktor. I am very glad that hockey at the university has been, is and will be living.”

This year was the third time when the team took part in a Championship within the Student Hockey League. Season of the year 18/19 brought the Polytechnic team to the third place. The athletes were awarded with bronze medals by Executive Director of the Student Hockey League Anton Khramtsov, the Rector of SUSU Aleksandr Shestakov, and a veteran of the Polytechnic team, Chairman of the Chelyabinsk City Duma Stanislav Mosharov.

“Dear athletes! I congratulate you on the glorious victory!” addressed the athletes Aleksandr Shestakov. “Bronze medal of the Student Hockey League of Russia is a very honorable reward. I think we’ve got potential to change the colour of the (medals’) metal in the next year. I wish you all good study at the university. We do our best to provide you with good education, but a university without sport is incomplete. Hockey is the sport of our city. SUSU is very proud of having such a team that has been flourishing for 70 years already. I wish you all success!”

According to Anton Khramtsov, being in Chelyabinsk on such an honourable occasion and award medals on behalf of the Ice Hockey Federation of Russia and the Student Hockey League is a great honour:

“I congratulate you on successful performance in the season! Year after year teams of the Russian Federation are becoming stronger. Only best of the best take part in the Championship. Last year was the first time when we managed to take the ‘bronze’. This year you replicated the success. It is especially pleasing that you took these medals in your jubilee season. Next year, I wish you to outmatch this result.

I can say without an exaggeration that Chelyabinsk’s Polytechnic is the pride of student hockey in Russia. Senior coach of the team, Artem Pletnev, is heading the SHL team; your athletes get regularly recruited in the national team, take part in all-Russian competitions and international tournaments. This is a big student hockey life. I wish you enjoy the years that you spend in the team. I wish you success in study and god luck!”


Stanislav Mosharov with a great pleasure congratulated the Polytechnic on the obtained medals:

“You did great! You fought in two Championships and achieved good results in the both of them. I would like to thank the university’s leadership and Aleksandr Shestakov personally for supporting the team. As of today, this is one of the strongest student teams in our country. The Polytechnic is the brand of our city just like Traktor, Mechel and Chelmet. And now the Polytechnic has been recognized at the all-Russian level.”

I wish you achieve the best results. For that, you have everything: the young team, a prospective team of coaches, the university’s support and support of the Student Hockey League. I wish you all good health and successful study! Pass exams duly and successfully. I know from my own experience: sport helps getting organised.”

The Chairman of the Chelyabinsk City Duma also wished the athletes to achieve the goals set not only in sport but in everyday life as well.

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