Internship in Slovakia Is Offered to Students, Postgraduates, Academics and Research Fellows

In 2005, the Slovak Republic Government approved the establishing of a National Scholarship Programme to support the mobility of students, postgraduates, academics and research fellows of universities. The National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic (NŠP) is funded by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic.

SUSU offers its students and staff to apply for a grant jointly with Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Nitra, Slovakia).

Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra trains specialists in all the fields of the agri-food sector, as well as in other fields of national economy: engineering, finance, for the institutions and bodies of state administration.

List of Faculties

  • Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources
  • Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences
  • Faculty of Economics and Management
  • Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development
  • Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering
  • Faculty of Engineering

Duration of Internship:

  1. For students: 1 – 2 semesters (i.e. 4 – 5 or 9 – 10 months) or 1 – 3 academic terms, of the academic consists of three terms (i.e. 3 – 4 or 6 – 7 or 9 – 10 months);
  2. For postgraduates: 1 – 10 months;
  3. For university academics, research fellows, workers of arts: 1 – 10 months.

SUSU students eligible for scholarship:

  • are students of the second level of higher education (Master's students), or students who at the time of filing the application have already completed at least 2.5 years of their university studies in the very same study programme;
  • will be taking educational internship in Slovakia during their higher education outside Slovakia,
  • who will be accepted by a public, private or state university in the Slovak Republic for an academic internship to study in the Slovak Republic.

Requirements to the SUSU postgraduates:

  • postgraduates obtaining their higher education or taking scientific training outside Slovakia, and who are accepted by a public, private or state university or a research organisation in Slovakia eligible to fulfil a postgraduate study programme (for instance, the Slovak Academy of Sciences) for an academic internship to study/conduct research in the Slovak Republic.

Requirements to academics and research fellows, including workers of arts:

  • who are invited for a teaching/research/artistic internship by an organisation with a right to carry out research and development, which is not a business company and is located in Slovakia.

Selection of the scholarship holders is performed by the Selection Committee appointed by the Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic. The Selection Committee chooses the scholarship holders on the basis of the documents attached to the online scholarship applications. The Committee pays special attention to:

  • explanation of filing the application – the reasons why the scholarship applicant has decided to take educational, research/artistic and/or teaching internship in the respective host organisation;
  • programme of the scholarship applicant’s educational, research/artistic and/or teaching internship, and the future use of the achieved results in his/her teaching/research/artistic activity;
  • the scholarship applicant’s professional and personal qualities;
  • achievements in studying or research;
  • attitude of the scholarship applicant’s host organisation to the applicant indicated in the letter of invitation;
  • overall quality of the submitted application.

More details at the organisers’ web-site:

To read more about the faculties of Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, click here:

Students and postgraduates wishing to take this internship should contact Daria Sanochkina, the academic mobility manager at the Centre for International Education (sanochkinadv[at]susu[dot]ru) at Room 161 of the main university building, or call at: (351) 272-32-22

Academics and research fellows should address their questions to Anastasia Kuzminykh (kuzminykhaa[at]susu[dot]ru) in the International Research Collaboration at Room 913 of the main university building, or call at: 267-97-98

The applications shall be accepted solely through the International Research Collaboration and the Centre for International Education till April 1st (from students and postgraduates) and till April 10th of 2019 (from academics and research fellows).

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