66 students from China completed their study at Summer School of South Ural State University's Institute of Linguistics and International Communications.
Students of Huanghe Professional Hydroengineering University (China) started studying on their double degree program in July. Within two months, students had been learning Russian language at ILIC’s Summer School at the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language. Students who successfully pass their final exam will be able to get enrolled to the 3rd year of study at the SUSU Institute of Architecture and Construction. This is the first time that the Institute implements such admissions.
Head of the Pushkin Institute Center, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the ILIC Department of Russian as a Foreign Language, Yadviga Berezovskaya, told us about Summer School for Chinese students.
“Having completed their second year of study at the Huanghe Professional Hydroengineering University, students came to study at Summer School of the SUSU Institute of Linguistics and International Communications for 2 months (July-August). Upon completion of their study, they passed an exam in Russian as a Foreign Language, which takes into account all types of oral activity: vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The last exam was taken by lecturers of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language together with Director of the Institute of Architecture and Construction, Dmitriy Ulrikh,” says Yadviga Leonidovna. “The students who successfully passed the exam and who are willing to continue education in their specialty will be able to study as 3rd-year students of the Institute of Architecture and Construction and start attending classes in September. Those who failed the exam in Russian as a Foreign Language can complete a one-year course of pre-university training. Provided their successful completion of the course, students will be able to try passing the exam again, get enrolled to the university and study in the main educational programs.”
Student Li Wenpei told us about her emotions after studying at SUSU.
“Most of all at Summer School I liked learning Russian language, because I have long been interested in it. In the dormitory, I read poems of Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin and sometimes listen to Russian songs, for example, Katyusha. Russia is a big and beautiful country. I like Russian cuisine, especially borsch.”
Student Li SIn as well shared her impressions after finishing the Summer School.
“I liked studying at SUSU. Within two months, I had been learning Russian language, and we had good teachers. Also, the nature at campus amazed me. Two years ago I started learning Russian language in China, and now I’m planning to get enrolled at SUSU as a 3rd-year student and continue learning the language.”
Student who got enrolled as SUSU’s 3rd-year students will obtain two degrees upon graduation: a degree from their alma mater in China, and a degree from SUSU.