Future Court-appointed Managers Were Awarded Diplomas at the SUSU MBA Center

On July 13th at South Ural State University 11 graduates of professional re-training program on Anti-crisis Management and Training of Court-appointed Managers were awarded diplomas.

The SUSU’s program on training court-appointed managers is being fulfilled since 2000. Over that time more than 700 managers and specialists involved in this field have undergone re-training. On the relevance of this re-training program shares Director of the SUSU MBA Center Irina Dergaleva:

“The program is in high demand since many enterprises are in a state if crisis, or bankruptcy, and a person who has decided to revive the organisation cannot do it not having taken training, as s/he needs to obtain relevant documents. Once the South Ural State University re-training program is complete, its graduates are awarded a diploma and a certificate from Rosreestr (Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography).”

The attendees have been training for 3.5–4 months, the classes were held almost every day. To obtain a diploma on re-training and a certificate from Rosreestr, the graduates had to pass a test of 280 questions covering all fields which the current court-appointed managers face in their professional activity.

“The content of the program includes several blocks. The first one comprises studying laws, in particular laws on bankruptcy, criminal law, civil law, and so on. The second block is constituted by the topics related to appraisal of property, various forms of incorporation. The third one is accounting, the fourth one — economics, including financial analysis, and the fifth one is anti-crisis management. Under each section the attendee passes a credit in order to be admitted for exam. Moreover, before one becomes an anti-crisis manager, each candidate has to pass psychological testing, to assess his/her psychological portrait. This is an important part of work since everyone related to this field has to be stress-resistant,” stresses the supervisor of the program on court-appointed managers Gennady Sheptalin.

The representatives of the Department of Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography for the Chelyabinsk Region, who are members of the Qualification Committee, took direct participation in training specialists in this field. On the level of training of the graduates of the SUSU MBA Center shares Head of the Department for Control and Supervision in the Field of Self-governing Organisations at the Rosreest Department Andrey Zharkov.

“It is quite difficult to master this profession since it is located in the intersection of many other professions, but one may say for sure that this program’s graduates gain good practical skills. Within the frameworks of this program, attendees undergo multi-stage training in all fields including: various fields of law, economics, accounting, auditing, and others. They obtain a wide range of knowledge so that they could adequately work as court-appointed managers.”

Among the attendees of this program are many top managers, lawyers, and accountants, who applied to the SUSU MBA Center to gain new competences in the field of court-appointed management.

“I decided to undergo training under this program because I have been handling bankruptcy cases for quite long. I specialize in namely cases like these, and for me it was important to understand the very procedure from the point of view of a court-appointed manager, to learn about the subtleties of accounting, and financial analysis, which are simply absent in curriculum of a lawyer. And the program helped me with this, we focused namely on practice, the lecturers worked with us a lot, and I’m very grateful to SUSU for this,” notes attorney of the Chelyabinsk Bar Association Darya Zakharova.

Azaliya Sharafutdinova, photo by: Oleg Igoshin
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