Blood Donor Day Takes Place at SUSU

The annual Blood Donor Day event takes place at South Ural State University. This year, it is held on the occasion of the National Donor Day celebrated on April 20.

SUSU students and staff donate blood in a specially equipped mobile block-module of blood transfusion station. Head of the SUSU Volunteer Center, Elina Alieva, told us about the event’s format.

“The Blood Donor Day has been a traditional event for 5 years already. Each year, more than 100 people donate blood at SUSU. We noticed that this event becomes more and more popular among the university’s students and staff. Any donor can donate blood no matter his or her residence permit and find out the results of blood analysis in ‘I am a Donor’ mobile application by logging in to their personal account.”

This time, more than 115 students and staff of the universities registered for participation in the event. A second-year student of SUSU’s Polytechnic Institute, Marat Khadisov, has been acting as a donor for 3 years already.

“In all this time I donated not only blood but also plasma. I do this out of good intentions. Of course, there is a series of conditions for becoming a donor; the SUSU students and staff who passed medical examination today first of all go to drink two cups of tea and eat some cookies, and only after that they join the queue for blood donation.”

As a reminder, registration of donors takes place at the second floor of the second SUSU building by staff of Blood Transfusion Service. At the parking lot near the second SUSU building (85 Lenin prospect) a specially equipped mobile block-module of the blood transfusion station will be positioned. It is necessary to bring passport with registration (or certificate of temporary registration). Blood donation is conducted from 8:00 till 13:00.

The word “donor” originates from the Latin word “donore” which means “giving”. Only healthy person can become a donor therefore a thorough medical inspection is carried out. Such examination of a donor’s health condition is conducted before each blood donation.

There is a series of recommendations for preparing to donate blood. Blood donation is conducted after light breakfast (not on an empty stomach); it is advisable not to eat fat or fried food or dairy products in the previous evening; sweet tea, croutons, cookies, fruits are recommended. It is required to restrain from drinking alcohol 48 hours before donating blood, and to restrain from taking Aspirin, Analgin and other medications which contain aspirin or analgetics 72 hours before the procedure; if possible, restrain yourself from smoking 1 hour before the procedure; it is also necessary to get enough sleep.

Contact information:

Elina Alieva, Head of the SUSU Volunteer Center, 89507478927

Dmitry Babushkin, Deputy Head for Public Relations of the SUSU Volunteer Center, 89191198192


Blood Donor Center of the Federal Bio-Medical Agency in Chelyabinsk;

United Student Council of SUSU;

SUSU Volunteer Center.

Marina Koviazina, photo by: Oleg Igoshin
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