Founder and Director of Eurasian Federation of Oncology Somasundaram Subramanian visited South Ural State University.
Professor Somasundaram is also an oncology surgeon. The goal of his trip to Chelyabinsk was visiting the Chelyabinsk Oncology Center. South Ural State University also attracted the Professor’s attention, that is why the employees of the laboratory of nanotechnologies and laboratories of the Faculty of Physics presented him the university’s possibilities in the field of medicine.
“It was interesting for me to learn about the possibilities of SUSU. A postgraduate from India who graduated from one of the major universities of my country works at one of your laboratories. He confirmed that the level of equipment of SUSU equals the level of the leading universities of Russia and India. I also got to talk to the university scientists and can say that there are promising fields for collaboration,” says Director of Eurasian Federation of Oncology Somasundaram Subramanian.
The Professor also shares on what is of special interest to him:
“I got especially interested in the research by the university scientists in the field of optics and their works on crystals. As a matter of fact, in every laboratory that I’ve visited I’ve seen possibilities of performing research related to medicine. We will keep in touch with the top management of the university and the School, and we will discuss future plans.”
Doctor Somasundaram plans on creating a sort of a network university, so he needs technical partners for that. The possibilities that the School of Medical Biology has to offer were presented to the Professor by Deputy Head of the School of Medical Biology Olga Tseilikman.
“We discussed issues that are important and topical for us. Professor told us about his interests and plans, and we tried to figure out the possibilities for our joint work which will be of help to both parties. Also, in the course of our discussion there arose interest to educational programs and creation of international educational modules.”
Due to the fact that the School of Medical Biology plans on developing the field of nuclear medicine, and namely in-depth studying of cancer diseases, this meeting became a valuable experience for both parties, as well as the beginning of future collaboration.