Specialists from QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) Company will hold a series of workshops at SUSU November 30ththrough December 1st. Quacquarelli Symonds performs expert-and-analytical studies and publishes rankings of the top world universities every year. Within the framework of carrying out the Plan of Events on Fulfilling the Competitiveness Enhancement Pprogram (Roadmap), the specialists from QS and SUSU will be discussing the development and implementation of a complex of measures on improving the SUSU’s position in the QS international ranking.
Among the participants of the QS specialists’ workshop will be representatives of subdivisions of South Ural State University: directors of schools and institutes, heads of scientific fields, heads of academic and teaching field, representatives of the International Affairs Division, heads of the Human Resources Department, as well as the head and employees of the Marketing and Strategic Communications Department. SUSU students will also be participating in the workshops.
This time the discussion will mainly cover the issues related to improving the SUSU’s position in the QS international ranking.
Detailed information on QS rankings