Students of the Institute of Architecture and Construction Passed “Ropes Course”


On August 27 августа, in the city park named after Yuriy Gagarin, a ropes course was held for freshman students of the South Ural State University’s Institute of Architecture and Construction.

It is not the first year that the “Ropes Course” event gathers freshman students of the SUSU Institute of Architecture and Construction in order to help the students adapt in new conditions. Labyrinth, spider web and other active challenges helped the guys to get to know each other and find common interests.

“Freshman students get acquainted here even before the beginning of study. It is needed so that they don’t feel confused when they come here during their first days of studying, so that they would see familiar faces and talked to somebody. At the ‘Ropes Course’ we prepare complicated challenges so that students by the way of participating would feel that a difficult year is ahead of them. They will need to learn how to put themselves together, give a helping hand to a friend and remember that they will not be abandoned in need” says the head of the SUSU Institute of Architecture and Construction’s student council, student Valeriya Boloneva.

Despite rainy and cloudy weather, future architects and constructors remained happy with the event and surely would like to repeat this exciting course.

“(There were) Interesting challenges, I’ve met amazing people. What I remembered most, is that during one of the challenges I fell off a tree. The guys liked it. But in fact I entered the Institute of Architecture and Construction to become an engineer, of course” shared his impression Christian Asadullin, a student of the ACI.


Marina Kovyazina, photo by: Oleg Igoshin
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