Future Factory at SUSU: Center of Computer Engineering Starts Creating Digital Platforms


Technologies of “Industry 4.0” get into our lives every day. Mathematical simulation of mechanic engineering devices and technology processes of their manufacturing find support at the high governmental level. For instance, on July 20 a session on development and implementation of the Technet roadmap, in the frameworks of the national technological initiative targeted at creating conditions for global technological leadership of Russia by the year of 2035, was held at the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

The main topic of the session was discussion of project applications submitted to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and their possible inclusion in the register of National technological initiative for subsequent financing. Along with other applications, SUSU’s joint project with the leader of domestic automobile manufacturing KAMAZ OJSC was also reviewed at the session.

The project initiated by the SUSU Center of Computer Engineering (CCE) is devoted to developing a digital platform for designing trucks of the future, specifically the line-haul truck of premium class.

Relevance of the development is proved by the fact that, in order to solve problems of import phase-out, complying with the demand for line-haul trucks, and introduction of Russian power-efficient trucks of premium class on the market, their cost should be significantly decreased, while the rate of their development and manufacturing should be enhanced. The problem is indeed relevant, as nowadays there are not a single domestic model presented in this segment of the market.

Meanwhile, traditional methods of design are characterized by high cost of pilot models and in-situ tests, big number of development cycles, and other limitations. The CCE’s project is targeted at solving exactly these problems in the frameworks of creation of the “Future Factory”. One of the main Factory’s elements is a digital platform which unites all stages of designing by means of digital scale modeling, simulation models of high adequacy level, multicriterion optimization and virtual testing. This allows significantly enhance competitiveness of domestic automobiles.

In the frameworks of the project it is planned to create a digital “ecosystem” which would provide development, design and multicriterion optimization of main systems, units and best-in-class aggregates of power-efficient line-haul trucks of premium class in a single information environment of KAMAZ OJSC and the Center of Computer Engineering.

Following the results of the discussion, working party selected six new projects among which is the SUSU Center of Computer Engineering’s project. The decision was made to appoint experts for assessing the projects and their subsequent inclusion in the register of projects of the National technological initiative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

The article is prepared using materials of the SpbSTU’s Center of Computer Engineering and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation


Rudneva Yulia
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