On October 25 and 26th, South Ural State University is holding the International Scientific Conference “The 21st Century University in the System of Continuing Education” with official support from the Administrative Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District, the Union of Heads of Institutions and Divisions of Continuing Professional Education and Employers, the Union of Rectors of the Ural Federal Region, the Russian Association of Engineering Education, the University of Southern Bohemia (The Czech Republic, České Budějovice), the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (Slovakia, Nitra).
The goal is to broaden international and interdisciplinary cooperation among pedagogues, researchers, and organizers in the academic system in the area of continuing education through exchange of opinions and discussion of global and private issues in continuous education.
The main topics of discussion:
The place and role of universities in the system of continuing education;
Continuing education for engineers. Engineers of the future;
Continuing education for researchers;
Integration of online education in the continuing education system. Development of the MOOC system;
Pedagogical design. Realization of continuing professional education programs;
The mechanism of private cluster state partnership in continuing education;
Issues of improving specialist training for priority areas of the economy of municipalities and ways to solve them;
Organizing cooperation between universities and agencies of local management to implement the requirements for improving the efficacy of municipal control.
Courses, master-classes and workshops will be held as part of the conference.
Location: SUSU “Sigma” University Complex (Prospect Lenina 78a).
Telephone: (351) 267-92-01
Site: http://npk2016.susu.ru/