The Regional Stage of the “IT-Breakthrough” Contest Has Finished: SUSU Students are Among the Best

On April 22nd at the South Ural State University, the regional stage of the All-russian Contest "IT-breakthrough" was held. The contest is held in 35 regions of the Russian Federation. The goal is to find and support young IT-innovators, and also to create ideal conditions for work in Russia. Companies “Roselectronica” and Softline were the event’s organizers.
More than 40 projects were submitted to the contest and the members of the jury chose the seven most interesting. Six of those projects were authored by SUSU students, and the seventh project was presented by a Chelyabinsk school student. All projects are available on the official contest site.
University and school students presented many various projects, from a mobile application for disease diagnosis to a web-system for laboratory project verification. The selection process was held according to the set requirements, the most important of which were relevance, innovation, possibility of putting results to use, and project commercialization. The projects were judged by both representatives of the teaching staff and employees and representatives of the Ministry of Information Technology and Networks. In the “IT in Education” category, the following contestants’ projects were chosen as the best:

  • Evgeniy Vasiliev (SUSU Zlatoust branch);
  • Nataliya Kastryulina, Lyaisan Fairushina, Denis Shaveinikov (SUSU faculty of Mathematics, Mechanics, and Computer Science);
  • Aleksandr Zotov and Maya Lyskova (SUSU Zlatoust branch);
  • Andrey Zvyagintsev (SUSU Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Computer Science);
  • Vladimir Aksenov (MAOU “Chelyabinsk Lyceum 97”).

In the “IT in Medicine” category, the following projects go to the next stage:

  • Anastasiya Ambrosova (faculty of Mathematics, Mechanics, and Computer Science)
  • Ivan Volkov (SUSU Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Computer Science).

Soon, the chosen projects will be judged at the federal level, and the authors of the best projects will be invited to Kazan, where the final stage of the contest will be held.
News Contact: Yulia Shamsutdinova, 267-99-83

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