Young researcher in the Faculty of Physical Chemistry received a Russian Presidential Scholarship


On March 14, the results of the contest to receive the Russian Presidential Scholarship for young researchers and graduate students were announced. The contest is held annually in five areas of modernization of the Russian economy:
  • Energy efficiency and energy conservation, including issues in the development of new fuels; 
  • Nuclear technology;
  • Space technology related to telecommunications, including GLONASS and the program for the development of ground-based infrastructure; 
  • Medical technology, primarily diagnostic equipment and medicinal products;
  • Strategic information technology, including issues in the creation of supercomputers and software development. 
Participants of this contest include young researchers and graduate students (under 35 years of age) carrying out promising scientific research and development of prioritized areas of modernization of the Russian economy, who have published works in leading peer-reviewed journals and other publications.
Among the winners of the contest for 2016-2018 was Denis Vinnik, associate professor of the faculty of Physical Chemistry at SUSU, assistant head of PNR-2 “Rational resource usage in energy and metallurgy,” head of the Association of Young Researchers and Specialists of the Chelyabinsk Region. The project he presented was: “Development of techniques to grow monocrystal functional materials with modified properties.” 
The scientist has been developing the area of growth of monocrystals with modified properties since 2011. The main area of research is studying the effects of structural and compositional change on the functional properties of barium hexaferrite, which is used for the creation and magnets and in microwave electronics. The developed technology allows for the optimization of a set of physical properties of obtained materials when special applications are needed. Results of the last 5 years of work in this field are published in leading scientific publications indexed in the Web of Science, Scopus, and Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) databases. Beyond this, the project is tied to leading Russian and international research centers.
News Contact: Yulia Shamsutdinova.: 267-99-83
Контактное лицо по новости: Мария Ильина, тел.: 267-99-83
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