The academic staff of Xuchang University passed professional development program in SUSU


On the 12th of January, 2016 the academic instructors from China Li Hexiang, Shan Shiyu, Xia Zhenwei, Yang Xiaobo, Zhang Xiaobo and Li Peirui were awarded certificates for passing the professional development program “Innovative technologies in the world education”. The certificates were awarded by the head of the program, Doctor of Pedagogy, the Director of “Pedagogy of Continuing Education” Scientific and Educational Center, Professor Irina Kotliarova.

This is already the second group of colleagues from China who have successfully graduated from this program. The courses of this program were taught in English.  

The academic instructors from Zhejiang Ocean University were the first who took this course. This time the group consisted of six teachers came from Xuchang University. They had been undertaking the training courses in SUSU since the end of October 2015.

The trainees discovered the history and current conditions of higher education in Russia, discussed the problems of higher school and the ways of their solution in our country and our University with experienced academic staff of SUSU; they got acquainted with the experience of SUSU National Research University in the field of education and science integration, innovative projects realization. The meetings of Chinese instructors with the colleagues from SUSU, students and PhDs kindled huge interest of both sides.

The trainees marked high professionalism of instructors of SUSU, excellent knowledge of foreign language, the capability to use various educational technologies. The academic instructors from China think that this internship in SUSU is a significant stage of international cooperation between South Ural Sate University and Xuchang University.  



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