“Umnik” call will take place in SUSU from 18 – 20 of November 2015 as a part of research and technology conference “Youth. Science. Innovations – 2015” (The participant of youth research innovative call), implemented by Small research and technology enterprises’ development Fund.
The purpose of “Umnik” program is government support for young scientists, implementing innovative projects and provision of large-scale participation of the youth in research and technology and innovative activities. Encouragement of the young scientists and specialists for creation of Small innovative enterprises’ is not less important.
This autumn 280 applications from the students and young scientists from 9 higher educational institutes in Chelyabinsk area were made in 5 prior programs:
- Information technologies
- Medcinie of the future
- Advanced materials and technologies of their development
- New instruments and hardware systems
- Biotechnologies
As a part of the call students, PhDs and young specialists from higher educational institutes will present their scientific and research products. The results of the participants will be reflected in the detailed records which will be out in the public access “. The commission will set a certain number of points on each criteria, thereby the participants will be able to compare their results with the same section’s winners, and after working out the weak spots of their researches, apply to the call again in half a year term” – says the Head of research and information department Yeugeniy Iogolevich.
On Gala closing ceremony of the conference, which will take place on the 20th of November 2015 from 10.00 – 11.00 in the convention hall of scientific council the decision of the jury will be announced. Every winner will get a right to sign a public contract with the Fund for implementation of the research project as a part of the declared subject to the value of 400 000 rubles. The Fund signs the direct contract with the winner to remit the sum in two steps: 200 000 annualy.
Moreover, the winner has an opportunity to participate in a program “Start”, allowing to raise up to 6 million rubles for finishing the research or new goods’, technology or service production development with the use of the results available from the research and technology investigation. As a result a young scientist is able to set a manufacturing process and start his own company.
Consequently, the general amount of finance, raised to youth innovative projects in Chelyabinsk area as a part of this call will reach 16 million rubles allowing to largely support entrepreneurship in our region.
It is to be recalled that our university fell behind the best universities in the federal project 5-100, meaning that wider horizons for research activities are opening for young scientists.
The involvement of the trainees to the big scientific projects , implemented by the university, including the projects of high- tech industry, is contemplated.
Regarding the event, please call +7-351-267-94-67.