Evening with poetess Liliya Kuleshova


On February 18 at 18:00 in Chamber Theater the anniversary evening with the poetess, member of Russian Writers Union, Liliya Vladimirovna Kuleshova, will take place.

Liliya Kuleshova is a member of Russian Writers Union since 1994, author of ten poetic books, poems, great number of publications in multiple-author books, literary anthologies and periodicals. A reader is familiar with some of the books written by the poetess: “Shrove Sunday” / “Proshchenoe Voskresene”, “Savior of the Apple Feast Day” / “Yablochny Spas”, “Christmas Light” / “Svet Rozhdestva”, “From Candle to Candle” / “Ot Svechi Do Svechi”, “Memory of Paradise” / “Pamyat o Rae”, “Divine Halo” / “Venets Nebesny”, “Transformed World” / “Preobrazhenny Mir”, “My Joy” / “Radost Moya”, “O Gladsome Radiance” / “Svete Tikhy”, “Heavenly Flowers” / “Tsvety Posazhennye Nebom”.

Liliya Vladimirovna works in South Ural State University for more than 30 years. She is the Head of "Students' Parnassus" literary institution.

Through her works Liliya Vladimirovna wants to show the beauty and spirituality of the surrounding world. Her poetic style is unique by its orientation to confession and imaginary, its richness of light and air of fantasy.

Event date: 
Monday, 18 February, 2013 - 18:00
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