Ekaterina Kozlova
Telephone: 8904-308-58-24
VK web-page:
Young Leader School is a complex of unique training courses and the brightest University students in one. The goal of Young Leader School is to help the course attendees become leaders, not within their student groups or a faculty, but be leaders in life and be successful.
Young Leader School Goals:
- providing large amounts of relevant and important information about the University;
- facilitating social adaptation of freshmen;
- providing an opportunity of personal fulfillment;
- providing an opportunity to gain experience in organizational activities, knowledge and skills in various fields;
- training on efficient interaction with people and working in a group of people;
- training of public speaking skills;
- forming an active group of freshmen students; and
- training leader qualities, etc.
Social skills, public speaking skills, partner interaction skills, efficient team work skills and the ability to achieve the set goals – all of it are a must for modern human beings, and all of it you may learn at Young Leader School.
At present, Young Leader School comprises 5 levels aiming at motivating students for personal growth, increasing of student activity, and self-fulfillment in society.