Training for IELTS certification exam at SUSU is carried out in the frameworks of project М. 2.1.1. entitled “Implementation of best language training experiences of Programme 5-100 universities”, on the basis of Lingva programme of supplementary linguistic training. Project supervisor is Head of the Department of Modern Languages, Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor Ksenia Volchenkova.
The main purpose of the programme is maximal enhancement of academic and professional mobility of leading research fellows of the university along with research and academic staff and students. Due to the programme, teaching staff are learning English language in details at six levels in a format of real-life interactive learning (starting from levelA2 to level C1, according to pan-European scale of language competencies).
Massive learning of professional English language favours to internationalisation of the university, development of bilingual environment, enhancement of publishing activity, and further acknowledgement of SUSU in the world academic society. In 2017, more than 250 employees had been undertaking their training; 30 employees received IELTS certificates with the result of 6,5 scores and more.
Publications about the programme
05.09.2018 Admissions Announced for the Lingva Additional Linguistic Training Program
29.08.2018 Admissions Announced for the Lingva Additional Linguistic Training Program
26.02.2018 Training Course on Delivering Lectures in English Starts at SUSU
05.02.2018 SUSU Master’s Degree Students are Invited for Supplementary English Language Courses
11.01.2018 A Workshop on Developing and Assessing Speaking Skills at A2 Level is to be Held at SUSU
09.01.2018 Welcome to Success Life: How to Choose the “Right” University and Become a World-Class Specialist
18.12.2017 SUSU Teachers Earn Top Marks in IELTS
01.12.2017 ILIC Representatives Learned About Best Language Practices on a Conference at MISIS
29.08.2017 Admissions Announced for the Lingva Program for Additional Linguistics Training
28.04.2017 SUSU Invites You to Take the IELTS Exam
11.12.2016 You are Invited to the Introduction to English as a Medium of Instruction Seminar