5.1.2. Public Law Sciences

Elena Titova

DSc (Law), Associate Professor
Institute of Law
Tel.: +7 (351) 267-94-25
E-mail: titovaev[at]susu[dot]ru

Sergei Solovev

DSc (Law), Professor
Institute of Law
Field of Research: legal problems in the functioning of the system of local self-government
Теl.: +7 (3513) 53-11-73
E-mail: solovevsg[at]susu[dot]ru

Aleksei Minbaleev   

DSc (Law), Associate Professor
Institute of Law
Field of Research: Information law (law of mass communications, legal protection of information security), intellectual property law
Теl.: +7 (351) 267-93-41
E-mail: minbaleevav[at]susu[dot]ru

Dmitrii Osintsev 

DSc (Law), Associate Professor
Institute of Law
Field of Research: Administrative law, administrative process; theory of state and law, methodology of legal science; customs business, theory and practice of management; state regulation of separate branches and spheres of activity
Теl.: +7 (351) 267-93-41
E-mail: osintcevdv[at]susu[dot]ru

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