11.06.01 Electronic and Radio Engineering, Communication Systems (05.12.14 Radar Location and Radio Navigation)


Major: 05.12.14 Radar Location and Radio Navigation

Level: Postgraduate studies

Duration of training: 4 years

Degree certificate: Diploma

Mode of study: Full time

Form of study: state-funded/contract-based

Language of study: Russian

Programme managers:

Stanislav Darovskikh, D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor

Tel.: + 7 (351) 267−92−16, e-mail: darovskikhsn[at]susu[dot]ru

Nikolai Voitovich, D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor

Tel.: + 7 (351) 267−97−47, e-mail: voitovichni[at]susu[dot]ru

Description of the educational programme:

The graduates are ready to carry out scientific and pedagogical activities in higher educational institutions; master and implement new technologies of Industry 4.0 at radio engineering or instrument-making enterprises, as well as at any enterprises, where electronic means are applied.



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