2.3.1. System Analysis, Control and Information Processing, Statistics

Stanislav Darovskikh 

DSc (Engineering), Associate Professor
School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Field of Research: Fundamentals of information electromagnetic therapy devices, development of high-tech medical equipment based on microwave radiation and its application
Tel.: +7 (351) 267-92-16
E-mail: darovskikhsn[at]susu[dot]ru

Boris Sukhovilov

DSc (Engineering), Senior Research Assistant
School of Economics and Management
Field of Research: High-precision non-contact geometric measurements
Tel.:  +7 (351) 272-3073, +7 (351) 267-9876, +7 (351) 272-3299


Vladimir Telezhkin 

DSc (Engineering), Professor
School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Field of Research: Structural and parametric design of complex radioelectronic systems; ultrasonic nano- and microtechnologies of processing materials for various purposes 
Tel.: +7 (351) 267-92-16
E-mail: telezhkinvf[at]susu[dot]ru


Vladimir Shiriaev 

DSc (Engineering), Professor
School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Field of Research: theory and algorithms for control of moving objects, dynamic systems operating under essentially nonstationary and nonlinear object characteristics, uncertain environmental characteristics, incomplete and inaccurate measurements in the presence of interference
Tel.: +7 (351) 267-94-54, +7 (351) 267-98-48
E-mail: shiriaevvi[at]susu[dot]ru


Natalia Ziuliarkina 

DSc (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor
School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Field of Research: group theory
Tel.: + 7 (351) 267-93-55, +7 (351) 267-99-24
E-mail: ziuliarkinand[at]susu[dot]ru

Vladimir Gudkov

DSc (Physics and Mathematics)
School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Field of Research: Image processing, pattern recognition, fingerprint technologies, software packages
Tel.: +7 (351) 267-90-50
E-mail: gudkovvi[at]susu[dot]ru


Galina Levina

PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor
Field of Research: Area of research: mathematical modeling of gas dynamic supports with elastic surfaces; dynamics of inertial elements of navigation and motion control systems
Tel.: +7 (351) 267-94-54

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