07.03.03 Architectural Space Design (Architectural Engineering and Design)

Major: Architectural Engineering and Design

Level: Bachelor’s degree programme

Duration of training: 5 years

Degree certificate: Diploma

Mode of study: Full time

Language of study: Russian

Description of the educational programme

Students master architectural design, geodesy, topography and design in the field of architectural environment, as well as the related systems, phenomena and processes including those of social, cultural, humanities and research-and-development fields.

Students are trained for analytical, graphic art, design engineering and administrative communication activities.

The Department has modern computer equipment, specialized equipment for geodetic and artistic activities. Ambitious students are involved in real projects, publish their works in scientific journals and participate in scientific conferences.

Field of future profession

Graduates are in demand in:

  • design and engineering offices;
  • design institutes;
  • corporate and private construction companies.


Room 612, 76 Lenin Prospekt, Main University Building
Tel.: +7 (351) 267-92-56
E-mail: tob[at]susu.ac[dot]ru
Web-site: https://di.susu.ru/

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