41.04.05 International Relations (Regional Integration in the Modern World)

Major: Regional Integration in the Modern World

Level: Master’s degree programme

Duration of training: 2 years and 3 months

Degree certificate: Diploma

Mode of study: Full time, part time

Language of study: Russian

Programme manager:  Leonid Nikitin, Candidate of Sciences (History), Associate Professor

Description of the educational programme

Education of expert specialists for professional activities in the field of regional aspects of the global political, legal, economic, and information space:

  • practice-oriented approach;
  • project-based learning through modelling of the activities of important regional structures;
  • in-depth language training;
  • academic writing as a form of communication with the international community of experts;
  • complex evaluation and prognosis of the dynamics of international socio-political and economic processes at all levels of international politics;
  • ability to complete a critical analysis of complex situations based on a systemic approach, and to develop a strategy and plan of action for complex actions;
  • ability to evaluate, model, and predict global, regional, national, and local sociopolitical, socioeconomic, and cultural-political processes based on the implementation of methods of applied and theoretical analysis.


Tel.: +7(351)272-31-48; +7(351)272-33-00
E-mail: lishestakova[at]gmail[dot]com


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