Major: Construction Technologies and Construction Mechanics
Level: Master’s degree
Duration of training: 2 years – full time, 2,5 years – part time
Degree certificate: Master’s degree
Mode of study: Full time, part time
Language of study: Russian
Programme manager: Albert Baiburin, +7(351)267-91-83, baiburinak[at]susu[dot]ru
Description of the educational programme
The goal of the educational program 08.04.01 Construction, master’s program Construction Technologies and Construction Mechanics is development of cultural and professional competences in accordance with FSES 3+ and training of qualified and competitive specialists in the of field construction; development of autonomy students for the purpose of creating self-sufficient employees.
Field of study
The objects of professional activity of the graduates of the program Construction Technologies and Construction Mechanics are design, construction, operation, monitoring and reconstruction of buildings and structures; engineering support and equipment of construction sites and urban areas, as well as transport infrastructure; engineering surveys for construction; development of machinery, equipment and technologies necessary for the construction and production of building materials, products and structures; conducting research and educational activities.
Graduates of the master’s program Construction Technologies and Construction Mechanics can do the following tasks as a part of his/hers professional activities:
- Innovation, survey ,design and preliminary-estimation activities: collection, systematization and analysis of source data for the purposes of design and monitoring of buildings, structures and complexes, engineering systems and equipment, planning and development of populated areas; feasibility study and making design decisions, coordination of work on parts of the project, design of parts and structures; development and verification of methods, software and computing tools for the design justification and monitoring of the object of the project, calculation support of design and working documentation, including the use of universal and specialized software and computing systems and computer-aided design systems, finalization of documents for the completed project; development of innovative materials, technologies, structures and systems, calculation methods, including the use of scientific achievements; monitoring conformity of the developed projects and technical documentation to the given assignment, standards, building codes and regulations, technical conditions and other executive documents; supervision of the project implementation;
- Production and technological activities: organization and improvement of the production process at an enterprise or a site, monitoring compliance to technological discipline, maintenance of technological equipment and machines; perfection and development of new technological processes of building production, production of building materials, products and structures, manufacturing of machines and equipment; development and improvement of quality control methods for construction, manufactured products, machinery and equipment, organization of metrological support of technological processes; development of documentation and organization of work on the quality management of technological processes at the enterprise and production sites; development and organization of environmental safety measures, control over their observance; organization of adjustment, testing and commissioning of facilities, samples of new and modernized products manufactured by the company; drafting instructions for operating the equipment and checking the technical condition and residual life of construction projects and equipment, developing technical documentation for repairs;
- Research and teaching activities: the study and analysis of scientific and technical information, domestic and foreign experience on the field of activity; formulation of scientific and technical problems, the choice of methodological methods and means of their solution, preparation of data for writing reviews, reports, scientific and other publications; computer simulation of the behavior of structures, selection of adequate calculation models of the objects under study, analysis of the capabilities of software and computing systems for calculating and designing structures, development, verification and software implementation of methods for calculating and monitoring building structures; staging and conducting experiments, metrological support, collecting, processing and analyzing results, identifying theory and experiment; development and use of databases and information technologies for solving scientific, technical and technical-economic problems in the field of activity; presentation of the results of the work performed, organization of the implementation of research results and practical developments; development of lecture notes and practical lessons on the disciplines of secondary vocational and higher education; conducting classroom studies, management of course-based design, training and production practices of students;
- Project management activities: preparation of baseline data, conducting a feasibility study, justification and selection of scientific, technical and organizational decisions for the implementation of the project; planning of work and payroll budget of an enterprise or site staff; development and execution of technical documentation (schedules, instructions, plans, estimates, applications for materials, equipment), as well as writing reports in accordance with approved forms; standardization and preparation for certification of hardware, systems, processes, equipment and materials; development of documentation and implementation of the enterprise quality management system; carrying out an analysis of the costs and results of operations of production units, organization of safe methods and monitoring work processes at the enterprise, organization of staff development and certification of personnel;
- Professional assessment and regulatory and methodological activities: conducting technical assessment of construction projects; assessment of the technical condition of buildings, structures, their parts and engineering equipment, development of expert opinions; development of design assignments, technical conditions, enterprise standards, instructions and guidelines for the use of tools, technologies and equipment.