2.9.5 Motor Transport Operation

Level: Postgraduate studies

Duration of training: 4 years

Degree certificate: Postgraduate studies certification

Mode of study: Full time

Language of study: Russian

Research advisors:

  1. Nikolai Goriaev, PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor
    Field of Research: Transport System Operation
    Tel.: +7 (351) 267-94-00, e-mail: goriaevnk[at]susu[dot]ru

  2. Iurii Averianov, DSc (Engineering), Professor
    E-mail: averianovyi[at]susu[dot]ru

  3. Vladimir Shepelev, PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor
    E-mail: shepelevvd[at]susu[dot]ru

Programme Description

Postgraduates acquire the skills in independently conducting research on obtaining and studying the physical and chemical properties of new functional materials. The main objects of research are metallic materials, as well as raw materials and equipment for their production. The postgraduates have the opportunity to conduct studies on cutting-edge research equipment.

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