Major: Human Resources Management
Level: Master’s degree
Duration of training: Full time – 2 years, part time – 2,5 years
Degree certificate: Master’s degree
Mode of study: Full time, part time
Language of study: Russian
Programme manager: Irina Rezanovich, +7(351)267-99-11, rezanovichiv[at]susu[dot]ru
Description of the educational programme
The aim of the program is to train HR managers for both large enterprises and small and medium businesses with in-depth knowledge of human resources management. Communication is practiced in the professional community of HR managers in Russia and abroad (professional websites, clubs, seminars, publications). Opportunity to continue their studies and internships abroad is provided; a joint master’s degree program is being implemented with Clark University (USA). Graduates have the necessary level of qualification to work in personnel departments of industrial, trade, transport, banking, insurance, tourism, judicial and executive organizations, military-industrial complex, education and etc.; in personnel and recruiting agencies, consulting firms, administrative offices, employment and social protection services.
Professional competencies of graduates:
- skills related to development and implementation of the concept of personnel management, personnel and social policy, strategy of personnel management of the organization in accordance with the strategic plans of the organization,
- ability to assess human resources and intellectual capital, determine directions, formulate and solve problems for the development of the system and technology of personnel management of the organization,
- ability to identify and interpret the most acute social and labor problems of an organization, find ways to solve them, develop and economically justify a system of measures for their practical implementation,
- ability to develop research programs in the field of personnel management and organize their implementation, apply quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis, including functional and value analysis, when making decisions in the field of personnel management and build appropriate organizational and economic models,
- ability to carry out benchmarking and other procedures to assess the effectiveness of the personnel management service in terms of achieving goals of the organization,
- ability to develop and implement corporate standards in the field of personnel management.
Professional disciplines:
- Functional and cost analysis in personnel management,
- Staff costs and budgeting,
- Organizational culture management,
- Systems of motivation and stimulation of work of organization’s personnel,
- Personnel audit and personnel consulting,
- Strategic human resource management,
- Conflict and stress management technologies,
- Modern professional communications,
- Computer technology in the context of modern research,
- Innovative personnel decision making technology,
- Development of labor legislation,
- Contemporary problems of personnel management.
Areas of professional activity:
- Industry, commerce, transport, banking, insurance, tourism, judicial and executive authorities, military-industrial complex, educational and other fields of activity: director of personnel; HR Manager; manager / recruiter; HR manager / specialist; personnel inspector; training manager, etc.
- Staffing and recruiting agencies: recruiter, consultant, headhunter, etc.
- Consulting firms: consultant, business coach.
- Administrative offices, employment and social protection services (regional and city): head of service, manager / specialist, personnel inspector, etc.