Major: Graphic Design
Level: Master’s degree
Duration of training: 2 years
Degree certificate: Master’s degree
Mode of study: Full time
Language of study: Russian
Programme manager: Dmitry Surin, surindn[at]susu[dot]ru
Description of the educational programme
The goal of the program is to train specialists who possess knowledge and skills related to design, research and teaching in the field of Graphic Design.
Tasks of professional activity: creative, artistic and aesthetic, design and technological, research, organizational and managerial activities, copyright protection and architectural supervision.
The field of professional activity of graduates of the master's program includes the objective world, habitat, information and visual spaces, as well as related systems, phenomena and processes, including the social, cultural, humanitarian and scientific and technical fields.
The objects of professional activity of graduates who of the master's program are:
- Complexes of objective environment and visual information systems that satisfy the utilitarian and spiritual needs of a person in his life activity;
- Cultural phenomena, processes and relationships;
- Internal spaces of buildings and structures;
- Samples, series and collections of industrial products, objects of various cultural and community purposes and consumer goods.
Types of professional activity:
- Research and pedagogical - independently carrying out scientific research on issues of professional activity and participating in complex scientific research, etc .;
- Project - conducting project research in the field of design, technology, culture and art; developing design projects using computer-graphic and three-dimensional modeling, prototyping;
- Artistic and creative - demonstrating the independent creation of an artistic image, a subject-spatial environment, an industrial series, an author's collection or art objects; skills of compositional shaping, various types of project graphics;
- Informational and communicative - developing design forecasts based on pre-project studies and using computer visualization techniques to demonstrate your own ideas;
- Production and management – managing organizations engaged in the development of design for all spheres of everyday, public and industrial human activities; conducting business negotiations and correspondence; putting into practice regulatory legal framework;
- Expert advisory and innovation - conducting expert, consulting and innovative work; implementing principles of designer supervision; organizing promotion of creative products.
Advantages of the program: wide employment prospects, namely, the opportunity to work as a graphic designer: creating advertising and corporate style for industries and organizations; virtual applications, sites, interfaces, etc .; designing printing products, as well as scientific publications and popular magazines; creating design for television and radio broadcasting companies, advertising agencies and other organizations.
Main disciplines:
- Copyright;
- Illustration;
- Information technology in design;
- Communicative design;
- Project engineering;
- Modern design problems;
- Type design;
- Typography and font;
- Artistic construction;
Our graduates are employed at: Channel 31, advertising agency Ural-Design, Stroikom, OOO Betotek, OOO SOYUZNANOSVET, DesignDepot, I am radio, etc.
Our partners: Government of Chelyabinsk and Chelyabinsk Oblast, Ministry of Culture of Chelyabinsk Oblast, PAO KAMAZ, Uraltransmash, Konstruktiv, Reginas and etc.; President of the International Association Society of Designers and member of the Academy of Arts Andrey Bobykin; deputy chairman of the Commission on Arts of the China Artists Association Wan Zhong; deputy chief of the Department of Arts of the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China Ching Feng Yu Tao.
Special projects: the design concept of the station for high-speed charging of electric vehicles (Grand Prix at INNOPROM-2017), regular participation in architectural competitions and design and research work under the guidance of teachers of the department.
Entrance examinations: tests, drawing a human figure, interview.