22.03.01 Materials Science and Materials Engineering

Major: Materials Science and Materials Engineering

Level: Bachelor’s degree

Duration of training: 4 years

Degree certificate: Bachelor’s degree

Mode of study: Full time

Language of study: Russian

Programme manager: Gennady Mikhailov, +7(351)267-92-21, E-mail: dean[at]met.susu[dot]ru

Description of the educational programme

SUSU’s undergraduates in the field of Materials Science and Materials Engineering are trained in order to conduct research and technological activities at research organizations and industrial enterprises in the sphere of metallurgy and machine-building, their research technical centers and laboratories. The department of Materials Science and Physicochemistry of Materials  is equipped with modern equipment for laboratory and research work as well as final bachelor's work: optical and electron microscopes, test equipment (tensile machines, impact machines, hardness testers), instruments and machines for determining physical properties, equipment for obtaining new materials and their processing.

Undergraduates participate in Russian Olympiads in the field of Materials Science; when solving cases – complex tasks related to the choice of the necessary material for specific, generally extreme conditions, its production, processing, and accompanying economic calculations of the necessary cost. For several years in a row our students have won prizes in such nationwide competitions. Based on the results of research many articles are published annually in the Bulletin of SUSU (Metallurgy series) and other publications. Every year, the metal scientists and materials scientists, the best students become laureates of the Ya.P. Osadchy Prize (Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant).

Our graduates, thanks to their thorough scientific and practical training at the university, are in high demand at the enterprises. Due to the expanding range of products being produce, new materials are needed (for example, for the nuclear industry and nuclear power plants) and, accordingly, new technologies for their processing.
Our region, including Chelyabinsk, is known to have quite a few ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises, mechanical engineering, research organizations, such as RosNITI. Graduates of the department of Materials Science and Physicochemistry of Materials work at all aforementioned enterprises.


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