04.06.01 Chemistry (02.00.01 Physical Inorganic Chemistry)

Major: 02.00.01 Physical Inorganic Chemistry

Level: Postgraduate studies

Duration of training: 4 years / 5 years

Degree certificate: Diploma

Mode of study: Full time / part time

Language of study: Russian

Programme manager: Vyacheslav Avdin, Doctor of Sciences (Chemistry), Associate Professor

Description of the educational programme

The postgraduates gain the skills in independently conducting research on obtaining and studying the physical and chemical properties of new functional inorganic materials. The main objects of research are metal-oxide materials with (photo)catalytic and sorption properties. The materials are produced using the available and new methods, their morphology and composition of elements are modified and studied, along with the distribution of the functional groups on the surface, crystalline phases, texture and thermal properties, including the kinetics of the thermolysis processes, catalytic, sorption and other properties.

These materials are used for the (photo)catalytic treatment of water off persistent organic pollutants, targeted production of substances important for industry, and for selective extraction of heavy metals from water. The postgraduates get to publish 5-6 scientific articles, including 2-3 in journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science global citation databases, and they also gain the skills of operating modern scientific equipment.

Field of future profession

The graduates work at high-technology enterprises and in scientific organisations.


Room 303, University Building 1А, 76 Lenin Prospekt
Tel.: +7(351)267-95-17
E-mail: avdinvv[at]susu[dot]ru

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