38.06.01 Economics (08.00.10 Finance, Money Circulation and Credit)


Major: 08.00.10  Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Level: Postgraduate studies

Duration of training: 3 years / 4 years

Degree certificate: Diploma

Mode of study: full-time / part-time

Language of study: Russian

Program manager: 

Elena Melnikova, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor

Irina Prosvirina, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor

Irina Dovbii, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor

Anna Bobrova, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor

Description of the educational program

The program is designed with consideration to the modern directions in the study of the theory of finance, monetary systems and monetary circulation, the development of credit relations in the economy; the program provides competencies in accordance with the requirements of federal legislation to the preparation and defence of graduate qualification work (dissertation) for the degree of a candidate of sciences.

The graduates obtain the following core professional competencies:

  • knowledge of modern concepts and theories of household finance, finance of business structure, state, territorial and local finance, the mechanism of insurance market and stock market, the system of instruments for monetary and currency regulation of economy;
  • the ability to critically analyze and evaluate modern scientific achievements, generate new ideas in solving research and practical problems based on knowledge of theoretical and methodological principles, methods and means of fiscal and monetary management of economy, tax and anti-inflationary regulation;
  • ability to identify, analyze and solve problems of financial stabilization, improving the financial stability of banks, fiscal capacity, quality of planning and financial forecasting.


Room 225, Main University Building, 76 Lenin Prospekt

Tel.: +7 (351) 267-98-76
E-mail: melnikovaei[at]susu[dot]ru, prosvirinaii[at]susu[dot]ru, dovbiiip[at]susu[dot]ru, bobrovaav[at]susu[dot]ru


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