1.1.7. Theoretical Mechanics, Dynamics of Machines

Sergei Sapozhnikov 

DSc (Engineering), Professor
Institute of Engineering and Technology
Field of Research: experimental and computer dynamics of deformation and fracture of composite materials and structures using high-performance computing systems
Tel.: +7 (351) 267-92-61
E-mail: as[at]susu[dot]ru


Aleksandr Cherniavskii 

DSc (Engineering), Professor
Institute of Engineering and Technology
Field of Research: the strength of nuclear reactors of several different types, the creation of strength calculation standards for high-temperature reactors
Tel.: +7 (351) 267-92-61
E-mail: cherniavskiiao[at]susu[dot]ru


Pavel Taranenko

PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor
Institute of Engineering and Technology
Tel.: +7 (351) 267-93-06
E-mail: taranenkopa[at]susu[dot]ru


Aleksei Abyzov 

DSc (Engineering), Associate Professor
Institute of Engineering and Technology
Tel.: +7 (351) 267-93-06
E-mail: abyzovaa[at]susu[dot]ru


Galina Levina

PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor
Field of Research: mathematical modeling of gas dynamic supports with elastic surfaces; dynamics of inertial elements of navigation and motion control systems
Tel.: +7 (351) 267-94-54

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