4.3.3. Food Systems

Irina Potoroko

DSc (Engineering), Professor
School of Medical Biology
Field of Research: Innovative technologies of food production; use of sonochemistry effects in food production; study of electrophysical influences in food production and detoxification of food products
Теl.: + 7 (351) 267-93-80
E-mail: potorokoip[at]susu[dot]ru

Natalia Naumova 

DSc (Engineering), Professor
School of Medical Biology
E-mail: naumovanl[at]susu[dot]ru

Abduvali Toshev 

DSc (Engineering), Professor
Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service 
Field of Research: development of gerodietic products
Теl.: + 7 (351) 267-99-53
E-mail: toshevad[at]susu[dot]ru

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