37.06.01 Psychological Sciences (19.00.05 Social Psychology)

Major: Psychological Sciences

Specialization: 19.00.05 Social Psychology

Duration of training: 3 years/ 4 years

Mode of study: Full-time / Part-time

Language of study: Russian

Program manager: Vera Griazeva-Dobshinskaia, Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Professor

Description of the educational programme

The programme focuses on a complex and quality training of highly qualified research and teaching staff in the field of modern social psychology, which comprises the study of the patterns of people's behaviour and activities explained by the fact that people are part of social groups; the study of the psychological characteristics of social groups and social movements; the analysis of the social-and-psychological methods of the research and influence (substantiation of the methodological and methodical techniques of social-and-psychological training, role-playing games, business games, etc.);


Room 370, Main University Building, 76 Lenin Prospekt, Chelyabinsk.

Tel.: +7 (351) 267-98-96, e-mail: griazeva-dobshinskaiavg[at]susu[dot]ru

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