09.06.01 Informatics and Computer Engineering (05.13.18 Mathematical Simulation, Numerical Methods, and Software Complexes)


Major: 05.13.11 Mathematical and Software Support for Computing Machinery, Systems and Computer Networks

Level: Postgraduate studies

Duration of training: 4 years

Degree certificate: Diploma

Mode of study: Full time

Form of study: state-funded/contract-based

Language of study: Russian

Programme managers:

Sanzhar Abdullaev, D.Sc. (Geography), Ph.D. (Physics and Mathematics), Professor

Tel.: + 7 (351) 267−90−89, e-mail: abdullaevsm[at]susu[dot]ru

Vladimir Gudkov, D.Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Professor

Tel.: + 7 (351) 267−90−50, e-mail: gudkovvi[at]susu[dot]ru

Tatiana Makarovskikh, D.Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor,

Tel.: + 7 (351) 267−90−89

Anatoliy Paniukov, D.Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Professor

Tel.: + 7 (351) 267−90−89, e-mail: paniukovav[at]susu[dot]ru

Vitaliy Tanana, Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Professor

Tel.: + 7 (351) 267−90−89, e-mail: tvpa[at]susu.ac[dot]ru

Description of the educational programme:

The graduates are ready to:

  • carry out scientific and pedagogical activities in higher educational institutions;
  • carry out research in mathematical simulation, numerical methods and software complexes;
  • develop new mathematical models from specific subject fields and automated control systems for technical objects and technological processes by industries;
  • develop mathematical and general-purpose software for computing machinery, complexes and computer networks.


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