46.06.01 Historical Studies and Archaeology (07.00.09 Historiography, Source Studies, and Methods of Historical Research)


Major: 07.00.09 Historiography, Source Studies, and Methods of Historical Research

Level: Postgraduate studies

Duration of training: 3 years / 4 years

Degree certificate: Diploma

Mode of study: full-time / part-time

Language of study: Russian

Program manager: 

Evgenii Volkov, D.Sc. (History), Professor

Tel.: + 7 (351) 267-92-15, e-mail: volkovev[at]susu[dot]ru

Description of the educational program

The specialization in Historiography, Source Studies, and Methods of Historical Research comprises the study of the development of the historical knowledge, historical sources, theoretical approaches and methods of historical research. The objects of study are historiography, source studies, and methods of historical research. The tasks include: the reconstruction of the process of the development of historical knowledge, determining the specifics of various types of historical sources, and elaborating the methods of historical research.

Fields of research:

1. Process of the development of scientific and non-scientific historical knowledge in the society.

2. Historiography of the pre-revolutionary History of Russia.

3. Historiography of the Soviet period of History.

4. Historiography of the Modern period of the History of Russia.

5. Historiography of the development of foreign countries at various historical periods.

6. Historical sources: types and kinds, specifics, and methods of studying.

7. Theoretical approaches and methods of historical research.


Office 512а (Main University Building), 76 Lenin Prospekt, Chelyabinsk

Tel.: + 7 (351) 267-92-15


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