38.06.01 Economics (08.00.05 Economics and Management of National Economy (Marketing))


Major: 08.00.05 Economics and Management of National Economy (Marketing)

Level: Postgraduate studies

Duration of training: 3 years / 4 years

Degree certificate: Diploma

Mode of study: Full time / part time

Language of study: Russian

Programme manager: 

Iulia Kuzmenko, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor

Description of the educational program

The programme is aimed at the training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel. Graduates have the level of qualification necessary for work in the field of marketing and are ready to solve conceptual (fundamental) problems of economic science as well as applied problems of functioning of various economic agents, markets and systems.
Graduates have a culture of marketing research; acquire skills that ensure the stable functioning and development of the organization in a competitive environment based on the reconciliation of the interests of consumers and the organization; is capable of analysing, coordinating and regulating the activities of all enterprise structures; can examine market conditions, needs and demand, their dynamics and, accordingly, determine the enterprise’s strategy in a competitive environment; can shape communication policy, participate in the development of strategic and operational planning programmes; determine the effectiveness of marketing activities.


Room 570а, Building № 2, 85 Lenin Prospekt
Tel.: +7 (351) 267-93-03

E-mail: kuzmenkoyg[at]susu[dot]ru


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