2.4.2. Electrotechnical Complexes and Systems

Aleksander Vozmilov

DSc (Engineering), Professor
Institute of Engineering and Technology
Field of Research: Electron-ion technology in the agro-industrial complex
Tel.: +7 (351) 267-92-14
E-mail: vozmilovag[at]susu[dot]ru

Maksim Grigorev

DSc (Engineering), Associate Professor
Institute of Engineering and Technology
Field of Research: Electric drives with new types of electric machines
Tel.: +7 (351) 267-93-21
E-mail: grigorevma[at]susu[dot]ru


Maksim Dudkin

DSc (Engineering), Associate Professor
Institute of Engineering and Technology
Field of Research: Power electronics, semiconductor converters for regulated electric drives, control systems for thermal power facilities.
Tel.: +7 (351) 267-93-21
E-mail: dudkinmm[at]susu[dot]ru


Irina Kirpichnikova

DSc (Engineering), Professor
Institute of Engineering and Technology
Field of Research: Electron-ion technology, renewable energy sources, solar energy
Tel.: +7 (351) 267-98-94
E-mail: kirpichnikovaim[at]susu[dot]ru

Vladimir Kodkin

DSc (Engineering), Professor
Institute of Engineering and Technology
Field of Research: automatic control, nonlinear systems, automated electric drive
Tel.: +7 (351) 267-93-21
E-mail: kodkinvl[at]susu[dot]ru


Evgenii Solomin 

DSc (Engineering), Associate Professor
Institute of Engineering and Technology
Field of Research: Renewable energy sources, wind power, control systems
Tel.: +7 (351) 267-98-94
E-mail: solominev[at]susu[dot]ru


Sergei Gandzha 

DSc (Engineering), Professor
Institute of Engineering and Technology
Field of Research: development of DC valve machines, electric vehicle transmissions, and renewable energy sources.
Tel.: +7 (351) 267-91-51
E-mail: gandzhasa[at]susu[dot]ru

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