Major: Applied Mechanics, Dynamics and Strength of Machines
Level: Postgraduate studies
Duration of training: 4 years / 5 years
Degree certificate: Diploma
Mode of study: Full time / part time
Language of study: Russian
Programme manager:
- Sergei Sapozhnikov, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor
- Aleksei Abyzov, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor
- Aleksandr Cherniavskiy, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor
- Pavel Taranenko, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor
Description of the educational programme
The dynamics and strength of machines, tools and equipment is the field of science and technology that studies the behaviour of technical objects for various purposes, the laws of mechanical (and related thermal, hydraulic, etc.) phenomena in structures and materials using the methods of mechanics and computational mathematics.
The study of dynamic processes, stress state and strength of machines, tools and equipment is carried out in order to:
- create new generations of machines, tools, equipment, technologies and materials with qualitatively new functional properties;
- improve the existing structures and technologies with increasing operational characteristics, reducing material and energy intensity;
- ensure the reliability and safety of structures at all stages of the life cycle, from design to the solution of the issue of decommissioning or extending the service life.
Centre for Doctoral Studies
Address: 76 Lenin Prospekt, Chelyabinsk 454080
Rooms 504, 512б, Main University Building
Tel.: +7(351)267-94-64, +7(351)267-96-12 (Room 504), +7(351)272-32-10 (Room 512б)