09.06.01 Informatics and Computer Engineering (05.13.11 Mathematical and Software Support for Computing Machinery, Systems and Computer Networks)


Major: 05.13.11 Mathematical and Software Support for Computing Machinery, Systems and Computer Networks

Level: Postgraduate studies

Duration of training: 4 years

Degree certificate: Diploma

Mode of study: Full time

Form of study: state-funded/contract-based

Language of study: Russian

Programme managers:

Leonid Sokolinskiy, D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor

Tel.: + 7 (351) 272−35−00, e-mail: leonid.sokolinsky[at]susu[dot]ru

Igor Klebanov, D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor

Tel.: + 7 (351) 267−90−89, e-mail: klebanovii[at]susu[dot]ru

Gleb Radchenko, D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor

Tel.: + 7 (351) 267−99−35, e-mail: gleb.radchenko[at]susu.ac[dot]ru

Mikhail Tsymbler, D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor

Tel.: + 7 (351) 267−99−35, e-mail: tcymblerml[at]susu[dot]ru

Description of the educational programme:

The postgraduate students are ready to carry out scientific and pedagogical activities in information technology. They can be engaged in the development of mathematical programming theory, the design, maintenance and operation of software for various purposes.


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