Elena Rylskaya


South Ural State University (National Research University)

English proficiency

Basic higher education . Diploma IV 335589. Issued by the Kustanai Pedagogical Institute named after. 50th Anniversary of the USSR June 27, 1985 specialty Foreign Languages (English, German)

Code and name of the group of scientific specialties for which the postgraduate student will be accepted

5.3. Psychology

List of research projects of a potential supervisor (participation / leadership)

Interdisciplinary educational and research multiproject with international participation " Development of the viability of modern man" (head).

List of possible research topics

  1. Cognitive Factors of Human Vitality
  2. Psychological conditions and determinants of the development of professional viability.


Research supervisor:

Rylskaya Elena Alexandrovna,

Doctor of Psychology

Title (field of study of the supervisor in one phrase)

Supervisor's research interests :

  1. Factors, determinants, predictors of human viability.
  2. Vitality of a person in a digital society (viability and Internet addiction, viability and virtual identity).
  3. Predictors of professional viability (on the example of various types of activity)
  4. Human Vitality Development Technologies

Supervisor's specific requirements :

  1. The presence of psychological education

Supervisor'smainpublications ( specify the total number of publications in journals indexed by the Web of Science or Scopus for the last 5 years, write up to 5 of the most significant publications, indicating the imprint):

  1. Titova E., Rylskaya EA, Shumakova O., Nalivayko T., Dubrovina D., Savelyeva N., Yashchenko E., Zhakupova Correlates and predictors of psychological well-being of an individual in a situation of pandemic risk of covid 19 // Applied Linguistics Research Journal . 2021. Vol. 5. No. 8 . pp. 1-10.
  1. Manuilov G.V., Gorelova G.G., Rylskaya E.A., Morozova S.V., Vasyagina N.N.
    Reflexive processes and social orientation of subjects of professionalization (on the example of preparation for medical activity) // Education and Science . 2020. Vol. 22. No. 4 . pp. 43-63.
  1. Rylskaya E.A., Moshkina L.D. Gender features of the structure of the integral individuality of students // Science for Education Today . 2020. Vol. 10. No. 3 . pp. 45-64.



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