Konstantin Osintsev


Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "South Ural State University (National Research University)"

English proficiency

Above middle B2 (Upper-intermediate)

Direction of study for which a postgraduate student will be accepted

Electrical and heat engineering

Code of the field of study for which the postgraduate student will be admitted


List of research projects of a potential supervisor (participation / leadership)

  1. Development of a heat supply control system under conditions of a changing coolant supply temperature in order to save thermal energy.
  2. Development of recommendations for the design of individual heat points based on the examination of existing heat and power facilities of buildings and structures.
  3. Dispatching and control of heat supply systems based on neural network algorithms.

List of possible research topics

  1. Processes of heat and mass transfer in combustion chambers.
  2. Neural network algorithms in heat supply systems.
  3. Exergy analysis of heat pumps , holoid installations and the organic Rankine cycle .

Scientific adviser:

Osintsev Konstantin Vladimirovich

PhD, Ural Federal University

Area of study of the supervisor:

Exergy analysis of thermal installations

Scientific interests of the head:

Exergy analysis of thermal equipment, ORC, heat supply,

heat pumps, cooling, combustion, neural networks.

Main areas of research:

Special laboratory for heat pumps and exergy analysis, cooperation with Chinese universities.

Special requirements of the supervisor

  1. ANSYS.
  2. Fundamentals of exergy and exergo -economic analysis.
  3. Heat and mass transfer.

The main publications of the supervisor:

  1. AA Alabugin , SV Aliukov , KV Osintsev , Approximation methods for analysis and formation of mechanisms for regulating heat and mass transfer processes in heat equipment systems, International Journal of Heat and Technology. 38(1) (2020) 45–58.
  2. E. Toropov , KV Osintsev , S. Aliukov , Analysis of the calculated and experimental dependencies of the combustion of coal dust on the basis of a new methodological base of theoretical studies of heat exchange processes, International Journal of Heat and Technology. 36(4) (2018) 1240–1248.
  3. Mezaal , NA, Osintsev , KV , Alyukov , SV The computational fluid dynamics performance analysis of horizontal axis wind turbine. International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (2019). Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 1072-1080. DOI: 10.11591/ijpeds.v10.i2.1072-1080.
  4. Toropov , E., Osintsev , K., Aliukov , S. New theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of heat transfer in coal dust combustion. (2019) Energies , 12(1 ), en 12010136. DOI: 10.3390 / en12010136.
  5. Osintsev , KV Extending the practical application range of the dry-bottom furnace analysis model. Thermal Engineering _ _ translation of Teploenergetika ). (2015) 62(2), pp. 123-129. DOI: 10.1134/S0040601515010085.

There are 38 publications in Scopus in total .

Results of intellectual activity:

  • Osintsev KV, Osintsev VV, Bogatkin VI Boiler and its method of operation, patent for invention RUS 2635947, 04/12/2016.
  • Osintsev KV, Osintsev VV Dzhundubaev AK Biybosunov AI Bogatkin VI A method of obtaining active fractionated carbon in a lattice chamber , patent for invention RUS 2615241 , 04/04/2017.


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