University |
Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "South Ural State University (National Research University)" |
English proficiency |
fluent |
Code and name of the group of scientific specialties for which the postgraduate student will be accepted |
2.6. Chemical Engineering, Materials Science, Metallurgy |
List of research projects of a potential supervisor (participation / leadership) |
List of possible research topics |
Research Supervisor:
Ahmad Ostovari moghaddam Doctor / Candidate of Science / PhD (K.N. TOOSI University of Technology) |
Title (materials sciences, metallurgy) |
Supervisor 's research interests (more detailed description of scientific interests):
Research highlights (if available):
Supervisor 's specific requirements :
Supervisor's main publications (indicate the total number of publications in journals indexed by the Web of Science or Scopus for the last 5 years, write up to 5 most significant publications with imprint ) :