Ahmad Ostovari Moghaddam


Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "South Ural State University (National Research University)"

English proficiency


Code and name of the group of scientific specialties for which the postgraduate student will be accepted

2.6. Chemical Engineering, Materials Science, Metallurgy

List of research projects of a potential supervisor (participation / leadership)

  1. Russian Science Foundation 21-73-00086, New high- entropy intermetallic compounds as the basis for next-generation materials (Head).
  2. RSF 20-19-00304, Development of scientific bases for the production of coatings from high -entropy materials by additive technologies and the study of their structure, as well as operational characteristics (Contractor).
  3. RFBR 20-43-740018, Study of physicochemical features of high-temperature oxidation of high -entropy alloys based on transition metals.

List of possible research topics

  1. entropy materials as heterogeneous catalysts for oxidative processes ( High - entropy materials as heterogeneous catalysts for oxidation processes )
  2. Development of high entropy ceramics ( HEC ) for ultra -high temperature applications ( Developing high entropy ceramics ( HECs ) for ultrahigh temperature applications )
  3. Electrochemical properties of high-entropy intermetallic compounds as an electrode in various environments ( Electrochemical properties of high entropy intermetallic compounds as electrode in different media)



Research Supervisor:

Ahmad Ostovari moghaddam 

Doctor / Candidate of Science / PhD (K.N. TOOSI University of Technology)

Title (materials sciences, metallurgy)

Supervisor 's  research interests (more detailed description of scientific interests):

  1. Additive manufacturing of high entropy alloys (HEAs).
  2. Synthesize and characterization of high entropy materials nanoparticles (HEM-NPs).
  3. Energy related materials ( thermoelectrics , electro-catalysts).
  4. Refractory HEAs and high entropy ceramics for ultrahigh temperature applications.

Research highlights (if available):

  1. Training and developing an experimental setup for the synthesis of HEM-NPs
  2. Possible collaboration and visiting the Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC)

Supervisor 's specific requirements :

  1. Sufficient writing and speaking skills in English ( Sufficient English writing and speaking abilities )
  2. Basic knowledge of materials and processes synthesis (Basic knowledge of materials and synthesis processes)
  3. Familiar with SEM , XRD and related analysis software ( High - score Xpert , Match , FullProf , etc.) (Familiar with SEM, XRD and related analyzing software (High-score Xpert , Match, FullProf , etc))

Supervisor's main publications (indicate the total number of publications in journals indexed by the Web of Science or Scopus for the last 5 years, write up to 5 most significant publications with imprint ) : 

  1. 28 publications in journals indexed by Scopus over the past 5 years
  2. A. Ostovari Moghaddam , EA Trofimov , Toward expanding the realm of high entropy materials to platinum group metals: A review, J Alloys Compd. 851 (2021) 156838.
  3. A. Ostovari Moghaddam , NA Shaburova , MN Samodurova , A. Abdollahzadeh , EA Trofimov , Additive manufacturing of high entropy alloys; a practical review, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 77 (2021) 131-162 .
  4. D.Yang ,Z . Liang,C . Zhang,J . J. Biendicho , M. Botifoll , M. Spadaro, Q . Chen, M. Li, A. Ramon, A. Ostovari Moghaddam , et al., NbSe2 Meets C2N: A 2D-2D Heterostructure Catalysts as Multifunctional Polysulfide Mediator in Ultra-Long-Life Lithium–Sulfur Batteries, Advanced Energy Materials, 2021
  5. Ostovari Moghaddam A, Shaburova NA, Sudarikov MV, Veselkov SN, Samoilova OV, Trofimov EA. High temperature oxidation resistance of Al0. 25CoCrFeNiMn and Al0 45CoCrFeNiSi0. 45 high entropy alloys, Vacuum, 192 (2021) 110412.
  6. Yu Zhang, Congcong Xing, Yu Liu, Maria Chiara Spadaro , Xiang Wang, Mengyao Li, Ke Xiao, Ting Zhang, Pablo Guardia, Khak Ho Lim, Ahmad Ostovari Moghaddam , Jordi Llorca , Jordi Arbiol , Maria Ibáñez, Andreu Cabot, Doping-mediated stabilization of copper vacancies to promote thermoelectric properties of Cu2−xS, Nano Energy, 85 (2021) 105991.


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