11.04.04 Electronics and Nanoelectronics (Materials and Components of Solid-State Electronics)

Major: Materials and Components of Solid-State Electronics

Level: Master’s degree

Duration of training: 2 years

Degree certificate: Diploma, master’s degree

Mode of study: Full time

Language of study: Russian

Programme manager: Vladimir Berezin, +7(351)267-94-92, berezinvm[at]susu[dot]ru

Description of the educational programme

Training is conducted simultaneously in several directions:

  1. Deepening fundamental knowledge of nanoelectronics materials and technologies.
  2. Applied engineering knowledge and skills, the main direction is the development of intelligent sensors and sensors of physical quantities.
  3. Development of mathematical and computer training.
  4. Improvement of the professional foreign language competency.
  5. Organization of innovation and production operation.
  6. Conducting your own research.

The main aim of the Master’s program is to enhance the knowledge of the specialist, to make him not just a qualified worker, but the organizer of the work, the initiator of new developments. Therefore, the Master’s program is of interest not only to undergraduates, but also for practicing specialists in the field of electronics.

Master’s program theses are written during the entire period of your study as a result of your own research work and practical training. The results are presented at conferences and published in scientific and industry journals. Subjects of master's theses are usually connected to the work of undergraduates in the industry, or it is the continuation of their research started during their bachelor studies. For those who wish to continue their education and research at the department there is an option of postgraduate study.

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