
Educational policy of South Ural State University is targeted at training specialists competitive at the world labor market, who possess knowledge and skills necessary for producing new knowledge, technology, goods and services of the world’s level.

Up-to-date conditions in order to obtain all the set of knowledge and competencies have been developed for SUSU students. SUSU successfully unites all the areas of education in the humanities, natural sciences and technical studies.

The structure of the university’s educational activity includes pre-university tutorial, training for secondary, higher, postgraduate and additional education programs, as well as professional retraining.

The university is implementing a project of elite training for bachelors with the introduction of individual educational programs for students with high educational results.

Tuition fees

Programmes for International Students










Bachelor’s degree

Specialist’s degree

Master’s degree

09.03.02 Information Systems and Technologies, Information Systems and Technologies in Business

09.03.03 Applied Informatics, Applied Informatics in Economics

38.03.01 Economics, Applied Economics and Finance

38.03.01 Economics

38.03.02 Management

38.03.03 Human Resources Management

38.03.04 State and Municipal Management

38.03.05 Business Informatics



38.05.01 Economic Security

38.05.01 Economic Security

38.05.02 Customs Affairs, Organisation of Customs Control

38.05.02 Customs Affairs, Organisation of Foreign Economic Activity



09.04.02 Information Systems and Technologies, Intelligent Information Systems and Technologies in Business

09.04.03 Applied Informatics, Corporate Control Systems

38.04.01 Economics, Economic Analysis and Controlling of Industrial Enterprises

38.04.01 Economics, Economic Analysis and Controlling of Industrial Enterprises

38.04.01 Economics, Economics and Management in Construction

38.04.01 Economics, Economics of Firms and Markets

38.04.01 Economics

38.04.02 Management, Strategic and Corporate Management in Terms of Digital Economy

38.04.02 Management, Technological Leadership and Entrepreneurship

38.04.02 Management

38.04.02 Management (Strategic and Innovation Marketing)

38.04.03 Personnel Management

38.04.04 State and Municipal Management

38.04.05 Business Informatics, Business Analytics in Economics and Management

38.04.08 Finance and Credit, Financial Markets and Institutions

38.04.08 Finance and Credit, Financial Technologies and Banking Activities



Bachelor’s degree

Master’s degree

02.03.02 Fundamental Computer Science and Information Technologies, Intelligent Systems

09.03.01 Informatics and Computer Engineering, Automated Business Process and Finance Management

09.03.01 Informatics and Computer Engineering, Automated Systems of Information Processing and Control

09.03.01 Informatics and Computer Engineering, Automated Systems of Information Processing and Control (Part-time)

09.03.01 Informatics and Computer Engineering, Computer Engineering, Complexes, Systems and Networks

09.03.01 Informatics and Computer Engineering, Computer Engineering, Complexes, Systems and Networks (Part-time)

09.03.04 Software Engineering, Engineering of Information and Intelligent Systems

11.03.02 Infocommunication Technologies and Communication Systems, Digital Telecommunication Systems

11.03.02 Infocommunication Technologies and Communication Systems, Intelligent Telecommunication Systems and Networks

11.03.03 Design and Technology of Electronic Equipment Electronic Instrumentation Engineering

11.03.03 Design and Technology of Electronic Equipment, Information Technology of Radioelectronic Equipment Design

12.03.01 Instrumentation Engineering, Digital Technologies in Instrumentation Engineering

12.03.01 Instrumentation Engineering, Information and Measuring Technology

27.03.04 Control in Technical Systems, Software and Technical Tools and Systems for Control Automation

27.03.04 Control in Technical Systems, Software and Technical Tools and Systems for Control Automation

09.04.01 Informatics and Computer Engineering Technologies of Digital Transformation (Part-time)

09.04.01 Informatics and Computer Engineering, Information and Control Systems (Part-time)

09.04.01 Informatics and Computer Engineering, Technologies of Digital Transformation

11.04.03 Design and Technology of Electronic Equipment, Design and Technology of Radioelectronic Equipment

12.04.01 Instrumentation Engineering, Digital Industry

12.04.01 Instrumentation Engineering, Information and Measuring Systems

15.04.01 Mechanical Engineering, Additive Technologies

27.04.04 Control in Technical Systems, Software and Technical Tools and Systems for Control Automation

27.04.04 Control in Technical Systems, Software and Technical Tools and Systems for Control Automation (Part-time)

Bachelor's degree

Master's degree


01.03.02 Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Computer Technology and Software Development

01.03.02 Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Mathematical Support and Software for Intelligent Systems

01.03.03 Mechanics and Mathematical Modelling, Mathematical Modelling and Computer Technologies

01.03.04 Applied Mathematics, Mathematical and Computer Methods for Modern Digital Technologies

02.03.01 Mathematics and Computer Science, Computer Modelling in Engineering and Technological Design

03.03.01 Applied Mathematics and Physics

05.03.06 Ecology and Use of Natural Resources, Rational Use of Natural Resources

11.03.04 Electronics and Nanoelectronics, Nanoelectronics: Design, Technology, and Application

18.03.01 Chemical Engineering, Oil and Coal Processing

18.03.02 Energy- and Resource-saving Processes in Chemical Engineering, Petrochemistry and Biotechnology, Environmental Chemical Engineering

01.04.01 Mathematics, Non-classical Equations of Mathematical Physics

01.04.05 Statistics, Statistical and Computer Modelling

03.04.01 Applied Mathematics and Physics, Fibre and Laser Optics

03.04.01 Applied Mathematics and Physics, Physical and Chemical Continuum Mechanics

04.03.01 Chemistry

04.04.01 Chemistry, Organic and Organoelement Chemistry

05.04.06 Ecology and Use of Natural Resources, Environmental Safety

05.04.06 Ecology and Use of Natural Resources, Reagent-free (Photocatalytic) Water Treatment

11.04.04 Electronics and Nanoelectronics, Nanoelectronics: Quantum Technologies and Materials

18.04.01 Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering of Natural Energy Carriers and Carbon Materials

18.04.02 Energy- and Resource-saving Processes in Chemical Engineering, Petrochemistry and Biotechnology, Reagent-free (Photocatalytic) Water Treatment


Bachelore’s Degree

Master’s Degree


13.03.01 Thermal Power Engineering and Heat Engineering, major in Industrial Thermal Power Engineering

13.03.02 Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering, major in Electric Power Systems with Integrated Relay Protection and Automation

13.03.02 Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering

13.03.03 Power Engineering

15.03.02 Technological Machinery and Equipment (Hydraulic and Pneumatic Automatic Systems)

15.03.06 Mechatronics and Robotics. Mechatronics

22.03.01 Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Engineering of new materials and technologies

22.03.02 System Engineering in Metallurgical Technologies


13.04.01 Heat and Power Engineering, Master’s programme in Heat Power Engineering

13.04.01 Heat and Power Engineering, Master’s programme, Theory and Practice of Analytical Methods for Evaluating and Studying Heat-and-Mass Exchange Processes

13.04.02 Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering. Electrical Power Engineering

13.04.02 Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering, Integrated Use of Renewable Energy Sources

13.04.02 Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering, major in Intelligent Electric Power Systems and Networks

13.04.02 Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering, Optimization of Developing Power Supply Systems of Industrial Enterprises and Cities

13.04.03 Power Engineering

15.04.01 Engineering, Information technology of welding engineering

15.04.02 Technological Machinery and Equipment

15.04.02 Technological Machinery and Equipment (Russian)

15.04.06 Mechatronics and Robotics. Mechatronics

22.04.01 Materials science and technology of materials

22.04.02 Modern Technologies in Ferrous Metallurgy and Foundry Production

2.6.1. Materials Science, Metallurgy and Heat Treatment of Metals and Alloys

2.6.17 Materials Science

The Open Doors Olympiad

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